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Tiffani Nichole Johnson CV


UDC David A. Clarke School of Law - Washington, DC
Juris Doctor, May 2005

Vice Justice Phi Alpha Delta Cahn Chapter 2002-2003
Academic Activities Committee Chair Phi Alpha Delta Cahn Chapter 2002-2003
LexisNexis ™Student Representative 2003-2005
Gilbert Law Summaries Student Representative 2003-2005
Student Bar Association Correspondence Secretary 2004-2005
3L Representative Phi Alpha Delta Cahn Chapter 2004-2005
Earl H. Davis Advocacy Award 2004

Virginia Wesleyan College - Virginia Beach, VA
Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice/Sociology, May 2002

Dean’s List
Galileo Award for Distinguished Leadership Skills
Academic Achievement Award in Criminal Justice and Sociology
Student Board Member Tidewater Chapter of the National Conference for Community & Justice 2001-2002
President Campus Kaleidoscope Virginia Wesleyan College Chapter of the National Conference for Community and Justice 2000-2001
Virginia Wesleyan College Student Ambassador 1998-200

Relevant Experience

July 2013 - Present

District of Columbia Department on Disability Services
Rights and Advocacy Specialist


- Responsible for all aspects of the Department on Disability Services (DDS) review and approval of the use of restrictive controls and human rights issues for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
- Facilitates the DC Department on Disability Services Restrictive Control Review Committee (RCRC) and Human Rights Advisory Committee (HRAC);
- Reviews behavioral support plans and requests for exemption referred to the Office of Rights and Advocacy (ORA) for review and approval;
- Provides technical assistance and training to people supported by DDS, their clinicians, and providers regarding behavioral supports, including restrictive controls and human rights issues;
- Investigates and makes recommendations regarding grievances filed by people supported by the Developmental Disability Administration (DDA);
- Advocates on behalf of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during ISP and case conferences;
- Coordinates with the State Office on Policy, Planning, and Innovation (SOPPI), regarding current and proposed policies to ensure they align with federal waiver requirements, Home and Community-Based Settings (HCBS) rules, and other Federal and state regulations;
- Collaborate with partner DC government agencies such as the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), Department on Aging and Community Living (DACL), and community stakeholders on advocacy efforts to address systemic gaps in services and supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;

- Reports out yearly, and as needed, on qualitative and quantitative analysis of various performance measures for internal and external review by stakeholders and oversight agencies at the local and Federal levels.


March 2013 - Present

Johnson Consulting Services, LLC 

Sole Proprietor


- Traveling and e-notary services;

- Providing notarization during closing ceremonies for Real Estate loan transactions;

- Advocacy for low-income residents and the disability community on a sliding-scale fee structure;

- Powers of Attorney Documents for Healthcare and Finance on a sliding-scale fee structure;

- Referrals to non-profits, protection, and advocacy agencies, and law firms;

- Review of wills, powers of attorney (health and finance), pro se pleadings affidavits, and contracts, in collaboration with law firms as needed;

- Service of process of court documents.


August 2006 - January 2013

University Legal Services - Protection and Advocacy Agency for Washington, DC
Disability Rights Advocate

- Advocated on behalf of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities to ensure they receive quality services and supports from the Developmental Disability Administration and Department of Health Care Finance;
- Provided comments to various city officials and policy-making bodies regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities;
- Inspected wheelchair-accessible public housing units to ensure compliance with the Uniform Standards of Accessibility and the Young v. DC Housing Authority Consent Decree.
- Drafted performance reports and progress reports on ULS’ Traumatic Brain Injury program for submittal to the Health Resources and Services Administration;
- Investigated allegations of abuse and neglect and drafted reports regarding findings.
- Assisted nursing home residents with the transition from nursing homes to include implementation of services through the Medicaid State Plan and Elderly and Physical Disability Waiver program;
- Conducted training for nursing home residents and staff on the services and supports available to consumers from the Department of Health Care Finance as well as housing options through the DC Housing Authority and subsidized housing;
- Conducted training in conjunction with Washington Empowered Against Violence regarding the prevalence of traumatic brain injuries among survivors of domestic violence and sexual assaults.

September 2005 - August 2006

DC Superior Court Judicial Chambers of the Honorable Shuker. Eilperin, Wolf & Braman

Law Clerk

- Wrote Orders and Judicial Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in abuse and neglect, adoption, and guardianship cases;
- Communicated with attorneys regarding current abuse and neglect and adoption cases.
- Researched abuse and neglect, civil and criminal law issues;
- Gathered Court jackets and documents for upcoming hearings;
- Updated Court jackets;
- Corresponded with Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency and Child and Family Services Agency personnel to ensure compliance with Orders;
- Investigated defendant's compliance with Orders.

May 2004 - April 2005

Public Defender Service of Washington, DC
Law Clerk

- Wrote memoranda of law on immigrants and deportation, battered woman’s syndrome, illegal uses of Xanax, elements of crimes, and the possibility of acquittal;
- Served subpoenas for the production of medical records;
- Interviewed clients at DC Jail and Correctional Treatment Facility;

​- Researched and prepared internal memos on previous Court jackets of defendants.
- Investigated defendant’s legal possession of Xanax;
- Represented paroled offenders before the United States Parole Commission during parole probable cause and parole revocation hearings.

January 2003 - May 2004

Public Defender Service of Washington, DC

- Worked with supervisor to develop defense theories for juvenile and adult criminal cases;
- Located and interviewed witnesses;
- Drafted investigative memoranda;
- Photographed and diagramed crime scenes;
- Prepared exhibits for Court;
- Ran criminal background checks;
- Served subpoenas;
- Transported witnesses and defendants to Court;
- Researched and wrote a memorandum of law and PowerPoint presentation on Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment;
- Drafted memorandum of law on juvenile competency to understand Miranda warnings.

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