Effective January 1, 2013, the Maryland Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form replaces the EMS/DNR form. Prior EMS/DNR forms are still valid and will be honored by emergency medical services (EMS) clinicians. The MOLST form can be downloaded by clicking this link: http://marylandmolst.org/index.html
Maryland MOLST is a portable and enduring medical order form covering options for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other life-sustaining treatments. The medical orders are based on a patient’s wishes about medical treatments.
The Maryland MOLST order form:
Consolidates important information into orders that are valid across the continuum of care
Standardizes definitions
Reminds patients and clinicians of available treatment options
Increases the likelihood that a patient’s wishes regarding life-sustaining treatments are honored throughout the health care system
The order form may be signed by a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. Every time a form is completed, a copy must be given to the patient or authorized decision maker within 48 hours, or sooner if the patient is discharged or transferred. The MOLST form is valid across the continuum of care, and is to be honored by physicians, nurses, and other health care providers, as well as EMS clinicians.
In the absence of a valid MOLST form or EMS/DNR Order, patients calling for ambulance service who are unable to communicate their health care wishes will receive restorative interventions under the statewide Maryland Medical Protocols for EMS Clinicians.
Plastic bracelets to hold the order insert from the form may be ordered through MIEMSS by calling (410) 706-4367. Patients and caregivers without access to the internet may order forms through MIEMSS by calling (410) 706-4367. Patients may obtain metal EMS/DNR bracelets or necklaces by contacting Medic-Alert directly at (800) 432-5378.
For further information regarding MOLST forms, visit http://marylandmolst.org/index.html.